Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Procrastination, thy name is Neat

Howdy All!

This is my first entry on this little blog.  Actually this is my first entry on any blog since my xanga days.  Thankfully I deleted that a few summers ago once my friends at camp found it...I will always be embarrassed by my 9th grade self.
Anyway, I am the second member of this travel team, my name is Lauren and I hope you like reading what I have to say.  Angela and I are leaving TOMORROW. So of course that means I haven't started packing yet :/ She is doing well, practically all done.  Here I am writing this instead of stuffing my backpack with clothes and hair products (us curly girls require a lot of hair products, there's no way around it). 

On the eve of our departure I am concerned only about a few things:
1. How many books will I need to take for this trip?
2. How will I manage my fantasy football team while overseas?
3. Can I possibly live without my Aggie Ring on my finger for 23 days?
4. How many pairs of socks and jeans will I really need?

Other than these odd, random worries, I am surprisingly void of concern.  Though scenes from Taken keep flashing through my mind, I remember the defense moves Sandra Bullock taught us in Miss Congeniality and I feel at ease.  If readers that do not know me can't already tell, I enjoy movies...probably a little too much.  

Truth be told, I am more excited for this trip than I have ever been in my life.  I know it will be challenging, exhausting, and sometimes scary, but that is why I am so excited.  I also know that I am going with one of my best friends.  We've been through a lot together.  From 9 year olds at Reed Elementary, to 22 year old college graduates we have been friends through every up and down.  Even after we went to different colleges, our friendship only grew stronger. 
Just like Ang's last post said, traveling is a true test of a frienship.  Honestly, I think we will do great.  One thing I love and admire about Angela is that you never have to guess what she's thinking.  She respects herself and others too much to lie or pretend.  I know I need that.  While I am a people pleaser to the max, Angela is strong and decisive.  She knows where she is going.  And I'm just the lucky one that gets to go with her :)

Where will we be next?  Tune back in and see.
I leave you with a quote from one of my new favorite books, Rose in Bloom (thanks for introducing it to me Summer)
"...she sailed away to see and study the big, beautiful world which lies ready for us all if we only know how to use and enjoy it."


1 comment:

  1. yippeeeeeee!!!! so excited!! I"M READY! I feel like packing toooooooo ;-) can't wait to follow along with you girls. If you reach the end and want more, there is always AFRICA!
